I am Still Learning (Aún aprendo) by Francisco Goya (Interpretation and Analysis)

Aún aprendo by Francisco Goya
I am Still Learning
Source: Museo Nacional del Prado
Today, I want to return to the work of my favorite artist, Francisco Goya. Although Goya’s most famous work is frequently dark and satirical, I want to show you something more positive today.

I am Still Learning is a drawing that dates from the end of Goya’s life. It depicts an old man with a bushy beard hobbling along with the help of two canes. Above the drawing is Goya’s caption: Aun Aprendo (I am Still Learning). The Museo Prado, which owns the drawing, describes it as “a symbolic self-portrait expressive of the unwavering desire for personal development that led him to continue to set down his new ideas.” Although Goya suffered tremendously during the last years of his life, he was a prolific and creative artist until his death. This was in keeping with the enlightenment ideals that he espoused, which centered around the pursuit of knowledge as a means of improvement.

Although there are other, darker interpretations of this drawing, I see it as a symbol of Goya’s desire to move forward, both artistically and intellectually. It is important to note that the figure — dignified and serious — is moving from the darkness into the light. In the end, it is an image of hope.

Disclaimer: I’m not an art historian or an expert on this topic. The above is my opinion, based on my interpretation of my foreknowledge of art and history. If I’ve done any additional research, I’ll note it above.


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